
Inspiration – Transformation

Every now and then, we all get inspired by reading or watching people around us who have achieved great things, sometimes beyond imagination. That is wonderful and we celebrate the moment. We leave that page with a sense of awe. But that’s it, we leave that page. How many of us would act on the inspiration and get going? What does the inspiration do for you other than the feel-good feeling?

When was the last time you were inspired and used that inspiration to fuel the energy in you to do likewise? How has that inspiration transpired? What transformed?

Just last month, my dad who has slight difficulties in walking started exercising. It has been a long drawn plan to get him to exercise. I am not sure what finally sparked that other than under doctor’s advice, but he finally took the step to use the equipments at a lush exercise corner, a stone’s throw from where he lives.

One day when we were walking home from the train station, he said he wanted to exercise. He invited me to come and see the various exercise equipments and even demonstrated how to use them. He urged me to have a go. I was both amazed and amused by his enthusiasm. It has been months, no, I should say years that he did some active exercising.

I asked him what was the outcome of the exercises. He replied gleefully that his legs do not hurt anymore and he now walks pretty well. It was easy to see where his motivation was coming from that he is now a regular feature at the exercise park! I was inspired by him and told him there is a small gym where I live. He encouraged me to go try it out when I got home.

So the journey began with the buying of new sports shoes and within a week, me, the gym novice decided it was my call to action. I prefer exercising outdoors but in this blustery, cold winter season, the balmy indoors was a big draw. I started slow and easy and by the third visit was ready to charge. The fourth visit confirmed my eagerness to return to the stationery bike, paddling away to happiness. The after effects of exercise need not be said, I not only have a feeling of accomplishment but was also invigorated.

My father has been an inspiration to me on many counts and this recent one where I emulated his example to exercise at the gym is the latest of being transformed after being inspired.

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